I have no idea why I didn't do very well at the York Show; maybe it was because I went with such a long and definite list of things I need/want and I kept trying to find those instead of just freewheeling and picking up things I liked and could use. It just felt like there was nothing there for me. Now if you take 81 vendors and multiply that up by the hundreds of different items they sell it probably means I rejected something like fifty thousand items.... there is picky and then there is super picky!
So here is my 'haul' (not):
I am struggling to find picture frames I like. In the main they are usually too clunky or ornate. I decided I would get some modern/plain picture frames for most of the pictures.
I have the advantage of working on a Georgian house, but set in 2016 so there is no need to go the whole Georgian hog. These look as though they will do fine when painted or gilded. Now I just need to figure out 1/12th mount-board - suppose any thin card will do and should I glaze the print as they would be in real life? Think Ikea.....rather than fine art.
Jennifers of Walsall |
I was so glad to have found these roundels as I already have six of them and needed eight and couldn't for the life of me recall where I got the originals. My foolproof method of photographing purchases and adding them to an album with the name of the vendor proved fruitless as I had obviously forgotten where I got the previous ones at the point that I did that.
J & A Supplies |
I struggle with lights on every project - bit like lunch most days - no idea what I want and just wish someone had invented a new 'animal'. I do know I don't want most of the lights you see out there. I have had Ray Storey lights and I do have one on this project but even they are not always what I want for a particular place and any way he wasn't at the show. I loved Small World Product's lights but Sherrie has stopped doing them, so who now? Weary brained as well as weary of feet I succumbed to the usual creatures just so I can get up to the next floor of the house. There was an upside to this... these wall candles come in two versions and the other one is in the chunky-munky scale - basically anything I consider too hefty to be correct. Luckily at the show Matlock had both so I was able to compare them and choose the finer one of the two. I am not over fond of the wall plate but it will do. I have a pair for either side of something somewhere
Matlock Miniatures |
I have one of these grates (in kit form) from Phoenix and needed another so I treated myself to one made up by Newtonwood miniatures. It has a lovely finish; I only hope I can do as well with mine otherwise it will stick out like a sore thumb. Mine is for the dining room - pretty much concealed by table and chairs (!) and this one is for the music room where it will be very visible, so it made some sort of sense.
Newtonwood Miniatures |
Newtonwood Miniatures |
This is the light I settled on for the sitting room so I can make some progress.
Matlock Miniatures |
I am going to have a much worse time on the next floor level as there probably won't be any ceiling lights. It is the formal Georgian part of the house and in real eighteenth century life low ceilings like the ones I have would not have had chandeliers for the obvious reason - too many candles too near a ceiling would be a fire waiting to happen but they still had to be above people's heads. Even then there were reports of hair catching fire when the ridiculous high french wigs came into fashion.

Chandeliers were for the largest and grandest of public rooms; most rooms were lit (as the Americans still do) in various areas as needed. A candle here and there for reading or sewing. This Georgian house might well be a grade two listed and you wouldn't be allowed to add ceiling lights. Let's see if I fudge that when I get to that level.
Another of my hunts was for mirrors and pictures and I was unsuccessful on both counts. I did buy these from Tee Pee Crafts as they weren't too chunky. They are made of metal with nice detail and a reasonable old gold colour. Right now all three are intended to be used as mirrors. At £2.95 each I thought they were great value.
Tee Pee Crafts |
Tee Pee Crafts |
So endeth my purchases for this show.
My next one may not be until Stafford on 4th September. Shows slow down in the Summer to some extent. I am also currently enchanted by a new grandchild so time has to be shared out carefully.