Sunday, 27 November 2016

Purchases from York Show

I haven't really done a review of the York Show over in my Show Blog as I pretty much said all I could say about it when I wrote about the Spring Show.  I had a nice couple of days away in York but didn't really do very well at the show.  How you interact with a show is very subjective and very dependent on mood I think; sometimes I come away with hoards of good stuff and then, like this one, wonder why I am trawling round.  I am sure the eighty-one vendors had much more to offer.  Here are the sixteen things I bought:

chimney breast kit

I bought this chimney breast kit for two reasons (1) it only cost £5 and (2) it has grooves at the back so you can easily inset the other pieces and keep them nice and vertical.

grooves in the back for side pieces

I am pretty sure I don't need it for this build but I am also pretty sure this probably isn't the last project I'll do (like it is supposed to be).  I wish, I wish, I wish I knew who I bought if from - not much use to me when I need another four!!  All I can do is keep my eyes open in hopes of spotting it again at a fair.  Can't even visualise the stand let alone name it.

leather coat  and scarf/shawl/wrap/whatever

I liked this aviator type leather jacket and scarf for the mud room hooks.  have prised the coat off its hook and rehung it on mine.  Not as easy as it sounded.

for Rec room
Joanne's (95p) shoes to be kicked off in the Rec room like her brothers but only cost pennies.  I got a rack of CDs/DVDs/games - whatever it is that kids have nowadays.  These are Delph's but from another vendor.  The pig has a bit of a story.  I want as many things in this house to have some nudge to my real life with my kids.  I had a large piggy bank for many years - white with daisies painted on  it - always known as Daisy Grunter, so this is an homage to her.
looking for feet

Last month I bought a pair of expensive lamps from Miniatura and one was missing four tiny feet under the bottom plate.  It was sold to me with the instruction to contact the artisan and she would happily send me the feet.  I have emailed her and the vendor to no avail - no response from either!!  Bit peeved I must admit.  I am now on a hunt for gold no hole beads but am reluctant to pay postage on a very low price purchase.  Tee-Pee had no gold no-holes and I didn't find anyone else with any, so bought silver and will paint them.  Also bought some little 'cups' shaped findings in hopes but they are way too big.

mad cat

I once had a lovely cat but sold it with my twelfths and have never seen one as nice since.  As this was all of about a pound I thought it would do for now.  I am a great believer in stand-ins.  I much prefer them to gaps.  I think if I de-pink its inner ears it might even do.

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Thought the glass cleaner was well made and every cat needs a dish or, in my case, two dishes as I found I already had one!  This discovery gave me a brainwave though - I need to photograph the contents of my house dressing boxes and carry them with me in my 'bragging book' so I don't duplicate stuff.  Visuals are much quicker than an extremely long list.  This show I nearly bought a toaster for example for the loft flat which is not a cheap purchase; luckily I didn't as I spotted I had one of those as well when I got home
tulips and finding

Again the tulips will act as stand-ins until something better comes along.  The silver bowl is a real find in Tee pee's findings.  Nicely engraved outside with a band of flowers and patterned inside too - will look nice when it is filled with fruit or something.

cheap books
These are real shelf-fillers - six books for £1.20 (with pages!) and three other books for £1, scissors 50p for the Rec room cutting out table.

Huge apologies for not noting where I got anything.  I know it is absolutely no help to you if you want any of these things.  All I can say is that nothing is exceptional and if you go to any fair or do a google search you will find these, or similar items, very easily.

I had a strange time at this fair - very unfocused.


  1. The Dolls House Builder makes his chimney breasts in this way. I don't know if he sells them without buying one of his houses but no harm in asking.

    1. Thanks Wilma, I do like the groove idea. I have your suggestion to my copious notebook of where to get what. It definitely came from an unexpected stall full of just about everything????? Could have been a one off??? Marilyn

  2. I think that your purchases from the York show are invaluable, Marilyn! You have a plan for each of them and as no home is filled entirely with showpieces unless you have a million in your pocket, your mini home will reflect some of the HIGH/LOW that is typical of most of the upper and middle class.
    The hanging coat and wrap are Beautifully draped and will look PERFECT in your house. The CD/DVD rack is also a good buy so does this mean that you will be having modern electronics in your home too? Isn't it rather odd that most of us don't chose although t.v.'s and stereos are so commonplace that it is odd not to have them in Real Life, but in miniature we often pass on them- go figure?
    Meanwhile, the other bits and pieces are the very things which fill out a scene and without them the rest of the room is lacking so all in all I give you TWO THUMBS UP on your shopping spree. :D
    Also thanks for the earlier tip regarding the mini posts of paint. The PEWTER paint finish on the iron insert is SMASHING!


    1. You are so right Elizabeth but you look forward to a show so much that you expect wonderful things rather than the mundane. Don't blame the show! The hanging items do look good in situ. My house is set in 2016 so will have all home comforts. It is Georgian building but a modern home - albeit a large/posh one! (The story is in the tabs at the top of the blog) Love the pewter paint and the finish it gives to the fireplaces - which are, of course, modern gas fire versions of the Georgian coal fires. Marilyn


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