Saturday 7 April 2018

House and I have arrived safely

Day thirteen and we have arrived in our new home and pretty much finished the unpacking and general sorting out of stuff.  As with all new homes, especially new builds, there is still a lot of 'proper jobs' to do like making a garden, putting down some flooring, sorting new curtains etc etc etc etc ad infintum.

Here are a couple of shots of my new workroom waiting to be sorted out

This was the second stage of sorting out the room after the movers had left

No need to have worried about Dalton House, it arrived safe and sound.  I was a bit fretty as the arrangement was for them to wrap and box it and instead they lightly wrapped it and strapped it to the van wall!!!  I must make 'em tough!

A day later and the room is in some sort of order

I hope you like my wonderful wall which will eventually become a built in utility cupboard.  It seems no modern kitchen (in this country) has a place for all your cleaning stuff  and we have no storage cupboards anywhere for household linens and towels, so my workroom will have to accommodate them.  Meanwhile shelving comprises of inverted cardboard boxes.  I am thinking of selling tickets to view it - if Pisa can for their tower, why not me?

The worktop area is hiding a multitude of 'things to do'.  The drawers are loaded with stuff to sort out.  The red, green boxes and stuff underneath are family photos.  This will be another project for me.... I hope to get some/most of them down on to the computer and compile printed photo albums.  They will be much easier for folk to look at than computer photos or 'shoe boxes' of muddle.  Where the originals go after that I have no idea but I don't want them living there forever.

The stacked brown cardboard boxes are the contents of my little house and somewhere in the not too distant future I hope to be putting all my tinies back in their rooms.  Right now the full size tinies in their rooms are taking priority.

Oh yes, we still have flooring to go down in my workroom and Ken's office and the three bathrooms upstairs.

I think from all this you will have gathered that my optimistic view of cracking on with Dalton House within days of being here was a little over-optimistic.  There is no doubt I will be back but it may be a while yet.


  1. How great to be finally in your house!! Glad everything survived the move. I dread the thought of ever having to move all our stuff - it would be a nightmare of epic proportions. And worse that you then have to unpack. I hope all the other jobs go smoothly and quickly so you can get on to more important things!!

    1. I have moved house a zillion time but not for a while and hadn't realised 'old age' had crept up on me. This one has been hard work. I too am looking forward to playing again. M

  2. It must feel so good to have the bulk of the move behind you so that you can now personalize and enjoy your new home!
    The new work room looks bright and lively, and a wall of built in storage sounds like a dream come true! I'll be looking forward to seeing you get fully settled and hope you share the layout of the rest of the house!

    1. The heavy work is probably done but there is a ton of bits and bobs - hooks and rails and mirrors and cupboards etc etc etc. This new room is well lit and I will be working right in front of a window for the first time which will be nice. Sadly the wall of storage is for household stuff it won't be my play area. I'll be happy to take you on a tour of the big house soon, probably over in my other journal blog. M

  3. Tanti auguri per la tua nuova casa! Buon lavoro!!! ;-)

    1. Grazie Blanche. C'รจ ancora molto lavoro da fare ma sono partito

  4. So glad that your move went smoothly ~ things are looking good already! It's wonderful to be able to put your own stamp on a new home :)

    1. Not so much a stamp more a huge blot right now.....little by little M

  5. You will get it all done eventually so please don’t sress about it. I know that is easier said than done. Enjoy your new home. Perhaps we are near neighbours. Wilma

    1. Hi Wilma - I am near Newtongrange?? I am dreadful for wanting it all done yesterday but am doing my best to take my time and not kill myself and others! M

  6. What a lovely bright room! I'm so glad you (and the house) survived the move! Good luck with your list of 'to do's' and I hope you get back to mini-ing soon!

    1. Hi Sheila, Yes a really well lit room, so pleased about that. My list of 'do's' is actually novel sized but am loving crossing things off! M

  7. Hello Marilyn,
    I am glad nothing was damaged during the move. I am amazed at how fast you got everything "in order". I hope you will be very happy in your new home.
    Big hug

    1. Many thanks Giac. Relieved the little house made it, I would have hated to be having to fix it up. Looking forward to a long quiet time of dressing the rooms. Sensibly I should wait until the flooring in my workroom goes down (maybe a month) because everything will get jiggled when the house and trolley have to move again. So returning to my hobby keeps being pushed further away. M

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Welcome back to the blogosphere, and to your new home! We’ve missed you :)

    1. Thank you Nancy. Hope to do something to Dalton House between now and Saturday so I can get back to the weekly blather.

    2. Hi Nancy, Love our 'matching' younger self photos M

  10. Hi Marilyn, so glad to see your move was successful and the house arrived safely. It looks like it will be a great work room once you get everything set up!

    1. I am hoping so as my Hive that i just left was purpose built and lovely so this has a lot to live up to. M

  11. So happy to hear you (and Dalton House) have arrived safely. I can say I still envy your work space. For me, it's my living room which is quite messy now. You wouldn't approve but it's what I have. Bottom line, WELCOME back and WELCOME home!

    1. I most certainly wouldn't disapprove. The problem with being a neat freak is that I terrify others.... I actually love homes that are cluttered and lived in and homey I just don't know how to do one. I do also know having a dedicated space for any hobby is a HUGE luxury and I am very lucky. M

  12. Moving is never an easy job but once it is all packed, moved and unpacked again, the hassle is very soon forgotten.
    Welcome to your new Home Marilyn and Ken! :D

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. This is my fourteenth home move in my life but I hadn't done one for twelve years and the difference between age sixty and age seventy-two is, apparently, significant. It is very tiring. Nevertheless just like little houses I still enjoy putting a home together for tuppence! M


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